Monday, October 1, 2012

If you get the chance then you should totally check out this series 'Revolution'. It is awesome. Comes on Wednesday on KSDK/NBC. Here is a link to the trailer video feed.


All of the Real Housewife shows are my guilty pleasure.
I just can't get enough of the series. My favorite is Real Housewifes of Miami, New Jersey, and New York.
What's fresh on my mind is Aviva Drescher comes across as a lunatic who can't let go of petty things.
The woman has issues.
Everyone backs her just to shut her up, which is not a great thing.
That's just my opinion.
Can't wait for the reunion next Monday to see what goes down.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apology to fans...

I am so sorry I have not updated my blog for a few months.
I have been really busy working and writing my books.
Shifter's Madness: Protecting Arden should be coming out soon.
Going through the editing process now.

Saw Resident Evil: Retribution

Went and saw this movie over the weekend. It was pretty good as far as action goes, but was pretty bad as far as plot. It had a beginning and an end but no build up and no middle. Was very disappointed.

Met Rapper Nelly and Actor Cary Elwes a week apart

Met Actor Cary Elwes
& Rapper Nelly
a week apart at the airport.
They were both awesome and down to earth..

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey guys....

I know I haven't written a new post in some time and I do apologize for that. I have been busy writing and dealing with personal crises but everything is fine now, hopefully.

I am currently working on another Shifter Madness book, this one dealing with snakes. I have been banging my head against the wall (Not literally) trying to figure out which direction I want the characters to go and how I want the story to develop, drama, plot, etc, etc..

I will get there eventually.

What I have so far is the main character Arden, who lives with her aunt, her aunt's husband and his two brothers. Her life is hard, not only is she unattractive and overweight, but she has to deal with being physically and mentally abused at home, work and at school by her peers.
Though this happens to her she has an inner strength, and a strong mentality and decides to change herself for the better. Before this happens she meets two men and a baby who will change her life forever, but before she can move forward with them she has to deal with the aftermath of a family tragedy that will rock her world..

Now on to more exciting news. I may be writing articles for on entertainment news. Very Excited about this and can't wait to share it with you and the world.

Love Love.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Went to Chinatown, Chicago!!

I went to Chicago yesterday and had a blast. My main focus was Chinatown, one of the oldest in the United States. The sites were phenomenal, the stores awesome and food was amazing. Here a few pictures from my trip to brighten your day.


Having an issue uploading my pictures.

Monday, March 26, 2012

So tiring..

My day started at 2:30 am this morning.
I got up, got ready for work, left the house and well, went to work.
Such a long tiring dragging day.

I work in sales and sometimes hate dealing with the public.
Can't seem to help the way I feel. Some people are nice, others are not. Lucky I get more nicer ones than silly ones.
Tomorrow will just repeat itself..

Oh well. Happy to be alive..

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shifters Madness: Larks Escape

Shifters Madness: Larks Escape will be available tomorrow on 3/24/2012 on Barnes & Nobles,Amazon and Smashwords.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Book release pushed back...

My book, Shifters Madness: Lark's Escape has been pushed back until March 20th. I know I promised you the 15th but the editor didn't get it finished on time. I thank you for your support and patience..

Sarah Palin "Game Change"

Sarah Palin "Game Change" I just finished watching this movie and found that it was awesome. I laughed, got teary eyed, and felt sorry for Sarah Palin. I understand the movie was actually meant to make her look bad, but in my eyes did the opposite. It made McCain and his handlers look bad, desperate, and greedy. She was used and at the end thrown out by Steve Schmidt and McCain, though she still stayed in the headlines even after the election. More fool them. Now, I am not a republican, nor am I a fan of Sarah Palin, but I did enjoy the film, and felt sympathy for the woman during her time as a running mate of McCain. I would recommend this movie for viewership.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shifters Madness Larks Escape...

Shifters Madness Larks Escape..
It was suppose to be a fun trip to the Amazon, celebrating her and her friends college graduation. Instead it turned into a nightmare.
Lark is attacked by vicious animals in the rain forest, her friends murdered right before eyes and herself changed, a blood bond forced on her and held hostage by savage monsters, brutally beat and rapped Lark prays for death, only to be rescued. Now she must deal with what she has become and survive as the beast who kidnapped her try to reclaim her once more, all the while dealing with dominate mates.

Ghost rider 2..

All I want to say is please do not waste your money. The movie was terrible, the plot very weak. Nic Cage has really lost my respect making these shitty movies.

Went to the movies and watched....

I went to the movies the other day and watched Tyler Perry's Good Deeds and I have to say I was very disappointed. I am not sure what I expected but it sure as heck wasn't a crying, whining man. When he did the sex scene I cringed.
The way he wrote up the main female character was terrible. It was like at every turn she was going from bad to worst and he was the only one that could help her.
His brother was absolutely ridiculous.
I just don't know if I liked the movie.


My books have been corrected on Amazon, so I am happy about that. I just hate when the wrong information is being displayed. It drives me insane.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Still Having issues with Amazon.

Amazon has one of my books listed incorrectly.
My 'Natures Child The Awakening' book is listed incorrectly with the wrong pen name and covers. I have been trying to fix this for two days now and am at my wit's end.

First the wrong book had been displayed. It was the unedited version that was uploaded on accident along with the old cover art.

Well, the inside of the book is correct now, just the cover is wrong. I am losing my mind trying to fix this..

I removed the photo..

I removed the photo of my face on Author page and replaced it with one of nature. One of my hobbies is taking photos of beautiful scenery. So I placed that picture on there instead..

I am a really shy person..

My two Angels...

Angel is my baby..

Taj is my lovable girl..

oooh, he is upset, LOL

I placed a toy around his neck and took a picture of him as he was yowling because he couldn't get it off.

Added a picture finally..

I am one of those people who hates having their photo taken, but I finally relented and added one at the suggestion of friends and coworkers.

They said that people may want to see what the author looks like.
So I cropped a picture of half of my face. My face is very round, though  my eyes are pretty.

Can't wait for this.. Hunger Games..

I simply can not wait for this movie to come out. I am still debating on reading the book or not. Everyone is telling me that I should.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Natures Child The Awakening is back......

Natures Child The Awakening is back and ready for your eyes and minds to divulge..
     Natures Child: The Awakening 

Ferris is haunted by lost memories and unanswered questions about her identity. A revelation shatters her reality—she's not human. As she grapples with her true nature, dark forces threaten her existence. Join Ferris on a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery in "Nature's Child: The Awakening," a tale of love, betrayal, and identity.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Liar's beware..

A guy walked into my store this morning and was looking at movies. He smelled heavily of alcohol and mentioned he was trying to get drunk before his flight.

He then says that he was a producer and made most of the movies on the wall and says he's Joel Silver. I'm like ok, thinking most people who work in the movie industry and are big names normally don't go around telling people who they are so they aren't nagged and bothered.

He whips out his I.D and shows it to me and I see Joel Silver as the name and so I'm like ok. You've produced some great movies I tell him.

Then I say let me google you so I can see what all you've done that may be on our movie wall, and he's like I have to go catch my flight.

I googled Joel Silver and found they look nothing alike. Joel Silver is a bit hefty and this guy was skinny as a rake. Both had dark hair and the same name but that's it..

Never lie about who you are because you will be caught....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentines Day.

I had a pretty horrible Valentines Day.
My date was home with the stomach flu. (Seems everyone is getting it. My mother, sister, work associate)
So what did I do.
Stayed home eating lots of candy and watching TV, making sure to avoid all the romantic movies that came on.. So sad... Sigh!!

Added a sneak peak..

I wanted to do something nice for my readers.

I made the first two chapters for Shifters Madness Hisa's journey available for readers at the end of Shifters Madness Lucia's Story.

I have also decided to add sneak peaks weekly from my books that are currently available for sale on amazon and barnes & nobles as well as the books I am currently working on..

Saturday, February 18, 2012

No deletes..

What a bummer. Feels like I've been cheated somehow. No deleted scenes on the breaking dawn part 1 special second disk. Guess they are saving it all for the part 2 dvd release..

Aw well. Guess I will just have to wait..

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Watching Breaking Dawn Part 1

I absolutely love this movie. I am about to watch the special features disk now. Hope it has deleted scenes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What a gloomy day..

I hate living in the Midwest. The weather this season is horrible. You don't know if its summer, spring or fall.
We finally got our second snowfall this season and the snow was gone by the next day. It sucks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Newest title to be re-released. Lost & Found

Ayasha has loved Charan for years, but never thought that her dreams of having a relationship with him would come to pass.   However, when he comes to her rescue during an attack, he unexpectedly returns her feelings, and the two begin a happy romance.
With a wedding and other plans for the future in the works, tragedy throws a wrench into things, leaving her pregnant and alone, her perspective groom married to another woman who is also expecting his child.  They both try to live their new lives on these unexpected paths, unaware of the dangers awaiting them both.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just added In Darkness We Lie..

M/F Romance, Suspense, Drama, psychological thrill

Emelina has no luck at love. The first person she gave her heart to ended up causing the breakdown of her family and in the end ripped her heart to shreds when she found him in bed with her best friend.
Years pass and she has met a new man while working in a dance club whom she thinks herself in love with but this man doesn't even acknowledge her on that level.
Then something terrible happens, not only do the men in her life start getting hurt but now a string of murders shows a pattern that says she could be next.
A message sends her fleeing into the arms of the only man she knows can protect her but now she has to worry about him as well.
Who is targeting her?
Why do all the young victims have similar appearances?
Is her blooming new romance doomed to end in tragedy?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What to do, what to do..??

What should a person do when they can't stop thinking.
That is what I ask myself often.
I am constantly thinking about my books, completed and incomplete while thinking of new story-lines for other books that I want to write.
My brain is like a computer, processing more than one thing at a time.

My brain is on fire..


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hello, this is my new blog and I wanted to take the time to say thank you for your visit and I do hope you enjoy yourself..

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

I went to the movies yesterday and watched this. Have to say I was very impressed. I just wished the ending was slightly different, though ...