Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Liar's beware..

A guy walked into my store this morning and was looking at movies. He smelled heavily of alcohol and mentioned he was trying to get drunk before his flight.

He then says that he was a producer and made most of the movies on the wall and says he's Joel Silver. I'm like ok, thinking most people who work in the movie industry and are big names normally don't go around telling people who they are so they aren't nagged and bothered.

He whips out his I.D and shows it to me and I see Joel Silver as the name and so I'm like ok. You've produced some great movies I tell him.

Then I say let me google you so I can see what all you've done that may be on our movie wall, and he's like I have to go catch my flight.

I googled Joel Silver and found they look nothing alike. Joel Silver is a bit hefty and this guy was skinny as a rake. Both had dark hair and the same name but that's it..

Never lie about who you are because you will be caught....

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