Monday, June 30, 2014

Funny animal videos

I love watching funny animal videos and thought I would share two with you...

A question someone asked me the other day...

Why do I often find myself on Twitter commenting about reality shows instead of talking about my books? Here's the answer: I love watching TV reality shows just as much as I love writing books. It's my guilty pleasure. Like many of you, I have opinions and enjoy tweeting my thoughts on the episodes. I love interacting with fans and even the cast members. It's a fun way to connect and share my passion for these shows with others.


Ladyhawk. All time fav movie...

These are a few of my favorite scenes on the film Ladyhawk.
Totally love that movie, watch it every time it is on TV

Friday, June 27, 2014

My how time flies...

I can not believe how fast time flies. It is almost scary, like you blink and a year has passed you by.

What have I been doing with myself?

Writing, reading, and writing some more with the occasional theater visit thrown in there.
I suppose taking care of my cat's can be added to that as well.

I am working diligently on completing my vampire romance book Shadowland but keep getting sidetracked by other books. I work on 2 or more books at a time.

Sad, I know. It's like pick one girl, LOL

Tell me what are you guys up to?
Feel free to chat me up on twitter facebook

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

I went to the movies yesterday and watched this. Have to say I was very impressed. I just wished the ending was slightly different, though ...